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"Celebration of...

the birthday or mahasamahdi of a God-realized soul should should not be belittled as a merely social ceremony.  

It is a deeply spiritual occasion on which which the vibrations of blessing from an illumined master are stronger than on other days in the year, because in the astral world, also, a celebration is taking place. 

Devotees who attend these birthday ceremonies with the right attitude will reap spiritual benefits and will find their high resolutions strengthened."

- Paramahansa Yogananda


Special services (Commemoration Services) are primarily intended for those who are SRF students or others who regularly attend the SRF meetings.  However, all are welcome who are well enough acquainted with SRF teachings to appreciate the significance of the Guru-dicsciple relationship and to participate in the service with sincerity and reverence.

Attendees may be invited to bring a flower or flowers (one's favortie, if possible) to be offered as a symbol of devotion to God and the SRF Gurus.  Devotees should not smell the flower and thus "take" for himself or herself a part of the gift meant for God.

Devotees or asked to bring a donation in a sealed envelop, as a symbol of loyalty and faithfulness to the cause of SRF.  Collections are sent to the SRF Mother Center (after allowing for necessary expenses for special ceremonies; and such donations will be used by the Mother Center for sharing these sacred teachings with other truth-seeking souls.

From time to time, other special requirements may be requested in advance of a special service.

Questions? Visit the Contact page.