Grand Rapids Meditation Circle of Self Realization Fellowship

Schedule of Services

HEALTH SAFETY: If you are experiencing any COVID, cold or flu-like symptoms, please refrain from attending services. MASKS are optional for all attendees. Contact 661.451.8041 with any questions.

All Sunday Reading Services, held each week, begin at 10am and last for one hour.


4 Bring Forth Your Divine Nature

11 Creation & Man

18 Yoga: The Divine Science

25 Make Your Mind a Temple of God


1 Divine Selfishness: Serving Oneself in All

8 Karma: The Law of Cosmic Justice

15 Man's Highest Conception of God

22 Realizing God in Your Daily Life

29 Loyalty is the Highest Law


6 The Light of Truth Eternal

13 How to Overcome Fear

20 Your True Self: The Immortal Soul

27 The Art of Devotional Singing


3 Ways to Overcome Nervousness

10 Practicing Yoga in World Affairs

17 Freedom From Slavery

24 Giving Thanks for Life's Blessings


1 The Universality of Religion

8 Finding the Joy in Life

15 The Nature of a Master

22 Celebrating Christmas in the Silence of the Soul

29 Controlling Your New Year's Destiny

Paramahansa Yogananda

Paramahansa Yogananda